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Yr5/6 What a Wonderful World '24-'25: Home

Year 5/6 Climate Change Unit


Natural forces have been shaping our planet for many billions of years and these dramatic changes are still going on, right now, all around us. Throughout this unit we will be learning more about the physical processes that shape our planet - and the vital role that we play in safeguarding our planet and its resources for future generations.

PBS Earth Science: Various resources

Tectonic Plates: Quiz

Krakatoa: the Loudest Sound Ever Heard

Latest Earthquakes (USGS)

This interactive map allows you to see the location and magnitude of the most recent earthquakes. 

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011 (Britannica Kids)

What is Soil Made From? (BBCBitesize)

Erosion (Genius Generation)

Rocks for Kids (Learn Bright)

What Causes Floods? (Nat Geo for Kids)

Biomes (Earth Observatory NASA)

Deserts 101 (Nat Geo)

PBS Nature

World Weather (World Weather Online)

Weather and Climate

Climate Charts (

Temperature charts: Biomes (NASA EarthObservatory)

World Maps: Cartograms

Worldle Game

Game: Flagle

A Global map of wind, weather and ocean conditions

Using this fantastic website, you can watch in real time the direction of wind, waves and ocean currents all over the globe. Use the "Earth" button on the bottom left hand corner to change overlays. CLICK on the image below. 

Plate Tectonics for Kids (Learn Bright)

The Ancient Globe

Use this interactive website to understand the changes of the earth through time. Want to know what the globe looked like in the Jurassic period? Or when insects first appeared? Or how big the supercontinent of Pangea was? You can even plug in your hometown and watch how its position on the planet changed throughout time. CLICK on the image below. 

The Rock Cycle (Nat Geo)

What is a Volcano? (Twig)

Volcanoes 101 (Nat Geo)

Earthquakes around the world

Why are Earthquakes So Hard to Predict? (TED Ed)

Earthquakes (Learn Bright)

How do Tsunamis Form? (TED Ed)

How do Tornadoes form? (TED Ed)

More weather! (Ventusky)

Investigating Map Projections (Nat Geo Education)

Rocky's Journey around the rock cycle

Teacher Librarian MS/BS



Britannica Image Quest

The Conversation

The Conversation: Academic reports easily understood

Google Scholar

Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. 

No need to panic! Up to date passwords for databases are HERE

How to Evaluate Sources for Reliability

BOOKS in the BS Library