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BS Yr 7 Natural Disasters '22-'23: Home

Year 7 Natural Disasters Unit

The Big Idea : Progress involves being courageous in the face of potential danger, uncertainty or opportunity.

Haiti: Consequences of Natural Disasters

A decade after the earthquake, Haiti still struggles to recover (The Conversation)

Rapidly Assessing the Impact of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti (The World Bank)

Haiti Earthquake 2010: Short Term Responses, Long Term Recovery (Cool Geography)

Haiti: Ten Years After The Earthquake (Médecins Sans Frontieres: Doctors Without Borders)

Haiti: Six months after the earthquake, more than 4 out of 5 schools destroyed or damaged are yet to be rebuilt (UNICEF)

Philippines: Natural Disasters

Mount Pinatubo Eruption: Impacts (United States Geological Survey)

Pinatubo's Global Reach: Environmental Consequences (Live Science)

Mauritius: Natural Disasters

Tonga: Volcanic Eruption

Assessing of Tonga's Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami (The Diplomat) “It is clear that Tongans will be dealing with the aftermath of this event for a long time,” said the World Bank’s country director for Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands.


Above clip: What happens after the tonga volcanic eruption? Change in Climate of the Pacific Islands (Down to Earth)

One year after volcanic blast, many of Tonga's reefs lie silent (Reuters)

Uncovering the untold impact of the 2022 Tonga volcano and tsunami: How phone surveys reveal crucial insights (World Bank Blogs)

Social, Economic, Political and Environmental Consequences of the Tōhoku Earthquake Japan, 2011

Tōhuku Earthquake: Impact (A-Level Geography)

Short term impacts (BBC Bitesize)

Long term Impacts (BBC Bitesize)

Swamped with saltwater: what a tsunami does to rice farmers (The Conversation)

Bangladesh: Flooding

Bangladesh flood 2020: Mental health impact on Bangladeshi people (Open Access Government)

Above video clip_Deutsche Welle : Impact of 2020 flooding on Rohingya refugees from Myanmar living in Bangladesh

Deutsche Welle Documentary: Climate Refugees in Bangladesh

Very interesting 42 minute documentary on the causes and consequences of flooding in Bangladesh. Many primary source interviews, excellent videography. 

Bangladesh floods: Experts say climate crisis worsening situation (Al Jazeera)

Shelter from the Storm: Protecting Bangladesh’s Coastal Communities from Natural Disasters (The World Bank) A Report on the funding of flood shelters.

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The Conversation

The Conversation: Academic reports easily understood


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Explora: Database

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Myanmar:Natural Disasters

Myanmar: Floods and Landslides - Jul 2021 Relief Web

Conflict exacerbates Dry Zone drought (Frontier Myanmar)