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MS Gr 6 IDU Endangered Species: Home

Grade 6 IDU Science & Individuals and Societies

Key Concepts: Global Interactions and Relationships

Statement of Inquiry: Human impact on the natural world is marked by cause and consequence; effective advocacy for sustainable interaction depends upon reliable research and clear communication.

Explora: Database

World Wildlife Fund

Korean Red List of Threatened Species

Asian Species Action Partnership

Science Sites (no need for passwords!)

Climate Change and Species


National Geographic

US Fish & Wildlife Service

African Wildlife Foundation

Bird Life International

Resources in the Library

Databases vs Websites


REMEMBER: you need to use at least one website, one database and one print sources in your product. Your teachers will be looking for variety! 

Databases that you can access through the library include: Britannica, EBSCO, GALE Middle School Database, JSTOR, Science Online. Look for passwords and usernames in the box in the right hand column!

Teacher Librarian MS/BS


No need to panic! Up to date passwords for databases are HERE

GALE Database for Middle School Students

Britannica Image Quest


Newsela finds up to date information to suit your reading level. 

Google Scholar

Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. 

Korean National Institute of Ecology: (Korean language)

XERCES Society: Invertebrate Conservation

All things bugs!!